Yeah, all of us hav sore throat now.
Anyway, ms ang allowed us to bus back to school with the seniors.
it was great.
There was two extra seniors.. Our GrandSenior.. (:
we disturbed zuhrah in the bus.
kept on singing ...
she was irritated and pissed off.
Hahahahahah!! Damn funny lo!
its like super funny can!!!!!!!
Okay, lets move backwards. To 21.05.2009
Me and junese slacked awhile in school.
Yeah, we didnt had much things to do. Exams are over anw.
So.. we decided to head to Hougang Point.
went cake hunting.
all the cakes was.. Expensive.
so whatever.
junese was craving for chocolate on that day. Lols.
we went to ntuv fairprice extra.
i was craving for my old time fave drink.
BUNDABERG Ginger Beer (:
Yeah, it was superb!!!!
So after we buy it, we headed back to school.
and on our way back,
we decided to call that glass bottle CHRIS.
it was like, damn funny!! (:
and another thing happened too.
we saw an "old" couple.
the woman was like standing behind the man,
and suddenly she smack the man's ass!!
me and junese was liek OMG!
damn funny lo!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! (:
Bus-ed home, smsed junese after i drank half the bottle.
me: junese, chris is dehydrating!
junese: OMGOMG! She's DYING! Faster, cpr!
me: she's a glass bottle! how to do cpr?!
junese: Blow her!
me: Okay, lols! Hahahaha!
junese: Hahaha. Go, revive her.
Okay, conversation end here. It was damn freaking funny la!
Now, my glass bottle went missing.
So tmr goin to hougang point again with junese.
Gonna get a new glass bottle.
new chris (: Hahas, just kidding. :D
Okay, CHIAO! (:
9:57 pm
Monday, 18 May 2009
H E L L O hello. :D
Okay, today actually no school de lo.
But then got training.
Haiz.. Tired man ! i wan more rest !
Okay, so as usual..
went to school.. almost fell asleep at the canteen.
farhanah came..
aiya, cannot sleep le.
the sharleen came.. she damn early lo.
after that everyone come le,
then training start.
Okay.. coach say this time the warm up..
must do abit faster.
so me and junese was like.. "what the hell?"
we rushed through the whole thing.
make everybody tired.
then we did our training.
aiya, i think coach blood boiling lo.
we like not doing properly.
then me and weixuan kena punish.
need do 10 push up.
asshole. weixuan la, go kick my ass.
Lols. she damn funny de lo.
after training, it started to rain.
then me and weixuan we nth do mah.
waiting for michelle.
we goin compass eat.
i was F A M I S H E D,
then we played in the rain.
fun, but extremely freezing.
then we went to the toilet.. :DD
got the hand dryer.
dryed ourselves.
woooo!!~~ it was soooo warm.
funny sia.
after that, grabbed a cab with chris and sharleen.
Okay, me and weixuan played the tv in the taxi.
kept on laughing also.
then when reach le..
i follow weixuan go her house.
wanted to jump into the pool,
but cannot.
went back to compass.
(Blah blah blah...)
ate lunch.
played with food. as usual.
haha, this time.
the soup damn disgusting.
me and weixuan tasted it.
it tasted saltish? kinda nice?
the 2nd time,
it tasted spicy! kinda nice too.
it was disgusting ah.
but okay wad.
hahaha !!!
then went to wei xuan's ..
watched a damn funny cartoon.
so cute lo! hahha. but sick.
i'm H O M E !
i think i'm getting sick .
playe din the rain for so many days liaos.
i dont wan sick leh.
guess what..
MANCHESTER UNITED won the cup !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its so cool!
they got it six time le.
if i not wrong ah.
last season they got the cup.
then the season before that also they got the cup.
W O O T S !
they are soooooo pro-ded
I'm bored.
wednesday got the soccer semi's.
hope so the seniors win hor!
missing HIM always ...
its not rizal anymore, muahahahha. nobody knows. unless u see my..hp wallpaper!_ _ _ _ _ is Lovedd ! <3
BYEbye.. B.Y.E bye!
5:42 pm
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Yo. HELLOhello. i'm back. Muahahaha!
Okay, woke up at 8.15 today.
showered then changed. walked out at 8.45
breakfast-ed at macs with...
RIZAL, ridhuan, izzad and hakim.
Yea, it was fun.
hahah. Played with food.
took the hot cake syrup and mixed it with sugar.
then added milo and ice lemon tea.
then mashed the hasbrown.
mixed it.
pour it into one cup. it was damn S I C K ! Eeew!
then after that went to syakir's house.
Lols. Played soccer at void deck.
court was full.. Aww mann!~
then after awhile, got one dog appear.
i was like... "Omg!" Okay, i got phobia of dogs lo.
cuz once i got chased by a dog and it made me run 200m.
then hakim and syakir played with the dog, as in..
hakim passed the ball to syakir.
the dog wanted to play with the ball.. LOLs.
they played wall-passing.
then agfter awjile got one old uncle..
he so what lo!
anyhow say what we no IQ??
for no reason.
he don't even know what we doing then wan say we no IQ?!
so we decided to play block catching.
i can say it was kinda fun.
i was one of the catcher. there was 2 catcher.
then they played at block 334
the block opposite was 332
Hehehe.. i used my brains yaww!!!
i went to the 6 floor at blk 332.
my partner went to block 334.
so i used sign language to communicate.
wah, the game was easier like that lo!
within 15 min can catch everyone liao.
so after that we went to court.
Played 3 v 3.
muahahah. i got 3 shots on target!
i'm rotting at home..
whatever. ==
i'm so gonna watch..
M A N C H E S T E R U N I T E D vs A R S E N A L :DD
man utd is so gonna win man!
Okok. Lucks to man utd yeah!
and hope so that ronlado wear his S U P E R F L Y !!!
Okok. Adios.
Loads are hating me.Some are liking me. One is loving me. I dont know who they are,but.. i love the one that is... L O V I N G me. :DDEll-Ouhh-Viee-Eey / L O V E ! ! !
1:51 pm
Friday, 15 May 2009

Okay. Those are the photos i took yesterday.
we all went to kovan.
hahas. damn fun. we reached there at about 10.15am.
Okay, whatever.
almost every shop there opens @ 11am.
so we killed time.
slacked at every shop.
then we all were like damn famished.
so went to eat sushi. Yeahh!! Y U M M Y !
after that,
went to popular bookstore lo.
bought some stuff.
then 11am already,
Yeahh... all of us rushed to Pizza Hut.
then we sat down..
all hungry liaos.
i shared food with weixuan.
since she hav the same fave food as me. hahahs.
we ordered Hawaiian Pizza. ( sooo my favourite ! )
we ordered chicken! Y U M M Y !
we all had FREE flow of pepsi. Hahas. student meal.
so, halfway when we eating..
michelle raised her hand.
i think she wanted to ask something else.
then the waiter gave us pepsiu.
hahas. refill!
8 people basically finished up the whole jug.
then we went to sportslink.
i saw the S U P E R F L Y ! again !
and its only 89 bucks!
i'm so gonna buy lo.
Okok. then we bought farhanah's boots.
it was nike. red, black and gold.
Okay, then fadhiilah bought for michelle new gloves.
after that we headed back to school.
and at the mrt,
i saw my BEST FRIEND!!!
Aww.. i miss zhi qiang so much!
He rocks!
Okok. reached school early.
mich and junese played a smacking game.
Lols man. Hahas.
Okok. junese chased michelle.
cuz mich take nese wallet and phone.
mich managed to take out her ez-link card!
nese throwed her sandals at mich,
but it was a miss. Hahas.
must aim first next time! :D
the went for training.
halfway training, it R A I N E D ! ! ! :DDD
me and junese was happy.
we thought can continue play in the rain.
then mr lim say cannot.
wasted lo...
so went for shleter.. Zzzz.. =="
wah. junese kena alot of times lo!
then got one part of the game,
coach keep on saying "Junese too tall! Junese too tall!"
we keep on laughing lo!
after that we went up to hall.
physical training... Awww Mann!!~
wah, my muscle all cramp mann!!!
after that waited for mich as usual.
the bus-ed home.
went macs.
then met chris and sharleen at bkb court.
wanted to play bkb but ended up playing soccer.
our opponent was being thrashed lo!
but halfway through i had to went back..
so. missed out the fun,
Okay / whatever.
Adios. hahas.
_____ is Lovedd! <3
10:17 pm
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Yo. Okok... Zzz.. kinda bored man. =.=
(My head is so E M P T Y today...)today: science &chinese paper...
walau. science paper was like .... Ohmygod? i din do last question.
i was sleepy. den suddenly fall asleep. so.. last question .. B L A N K
zzz. Okay. then i din notice ms ang come in class alrd mah...
so the bell rang.. 9.30am liaos.
i woke up, check my answers then go back to sleep. HAHAs.
then after science went for break.
somebody was like freaking show off can?
i hate it luhh. think she who ah?? whatthehell man.
Okay. whatever.
ate smth, drank milo and walked back to class.
class was H A V O C. people running around for no reason.
LOLS. then the chinese teacher came.
the class was noisy and she didnt even care about it?!
and because of her, our exam was like delayed?
that teacher actually went to the wrong class.
wah. then anpther teacher came into my class.
this time, it was a fierce one.
she delayed the time!!! and we went home at like 12:05?
i wanted to go home early la..
later at 12:05pm ....
(the paper ended)the boys rushed out of the classroom..
Hahas. they were called back in for no reason???
then the teacher didmissed the girls..
Hahas. damn funny. idk was happen then the table suddenly broke.
Lols? heck care.. walk off.
then talked awhile about something..
then .. home-ed.
played xbox. aiya. boring so stopped.
Okok. tmr got CPA. Zzz... easy?
hoping to get an A1 again.
Muahaha... Okok. :D
JIAYOUs to all 1T1 & 1T2 students.
Hahas. Lols.
Tmr paper finish at 9.12.. woo!~
shiokk man!!! after that goin buy farhanah's boots.
WAIT. before that goin eat breakfast.
i'm so gonna leave school without looking at the bitch.
Okay, on saturday.. its
F R E E D O M day !!!
gonna play soccer at court with brothers..
then eat lunch.
then laugh my head off..
then.. play soccer again.
at night.. i wan to go to...
hmm.. lets see... maybe to The Merlion???
hmm.. wanna drink coffee bean.
i'm so gonna drink Double Chocolate Coffee Ice Blended.
it SOOOOOOO niiccee.
then i'm soo eating the brownie.
Okay / whatever?
Zzz.. i'm so missing somebody.
Somebody who was ONCE special to me...
but too bad we were seperated...
he's so far away from me..
so can't visit him liaos... Aww man..
Ouh ya.. forgotten smth...
Hahas.. Lets see... hmm..
F L A S H B A C K >>> <<<
whatevers goin into my head..
Please get out..
i really dont wanna think about the P A S T .
it really H U R T S.
i'm SOOOOOOOO in Love with ...
1. Double Chocolate Coffee Ice Blended
2. Boston Nut Brownie
3. ______ ( someone )
4. S O C C E R !!!!
Okay. i'm so crazy today...
that is SOOOOOOO whatever ????
Hahas. Okok.
seriuosly... CHIAO..
or should i say...
A D I O S ! ! !
Hope to meet him soon ..
3:18 pm
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
HELLO people.
Okay, as usual breakfast at macs. bored. Okay. from now on, i dun wan eat macs liaos. giv me headaches lo. damn it. okay. bus-ed to school. reached school, that asshole (not junese) .. keep on anyhow stare at me. dumb. i hate her can? Haiyo. rushed through my paper. den sleep throughout the whole paper. zzz. then after the paper, junese drag me along to junction 8 with her friends. Okay. i admit that 1E5 people are kinda sick?? Lols. hahaha. so they went to eat. i didnt eat cuz wan save money. Muahaha. Okay. we went to the arcade bt kena chased out. then went to popular, nothing much. then went to action city. all the cool toys were there. after that idk go what shop. then we go to royal sporting house. woo!!!~ i saw .... something... red and silver.. and nike... its... the.. SUPERFLY!!!! yea. i'm so gonna get one. its only $99 !!!! :D Bused back home.. then went home, Yeah. ate lunch. Now blogging. Okok. Need go STUDY. Zzzz... Okay. CHIAO.
3:01 pm
Monday, 11 May 2009
HELLOhello. Yeahh Yeahh. E X A M week, wah sians man. Zzz.. went macs just now. rizal was there!!! and ridhuan too.. Hahah. fun fun!! we laughed our heads off instead of studying. damn funny... Hahah. Okok. Nw idk wan continue studying or NOT... Hmm.. cant wait for nxt trng! i miss trng so much. Din dribble the ball for idk how long le... i miss soccer.. :( Hahah. Okay. Totally bored sia. i miss my best friends yaww!! haha. Okok. sians liaos. Zzz.. _____ i also miss someone else... Hahas. cnt tell... Shhh... wah... i cant stop calling ridhuan ... S A D I S T. Zzz.. and he likes it??? Lols. he weird weird de... siiao lo. hahha. tired sia. tmr maths exam le. must pass.. Okok. short post will do. i'm tired. wan go sleep awhile... Zzz... :D CHIAO.
i'm so in love with somebody...
2:56 pm
Friday, 8 May 2009
Yo. wah. sians man! today no school. Haha. :) the express students had their music theory exam just now. junese said it was boring. haha. zzz. funny. Okok. today... i'm so gonna revise my maths and home ec today!! hahah. HARDWORKING. :) wah, yesterday the class tee guy come... we keep on talking then the class tee price suddenly shoot frm $19 - $24 ... so we bargained a little.. and they guy gave us $17 . so i was like... agreed??? ms ang didn't want to help us so we did ourselves la.. hahha. after that, me and junese went to mich's house to give her, her homework. we boarded 73. hahah. then drop at the serangoon garden loop there. Okok. we almost got lost. so me and junese decided to adventure all the way to her house. so we did. and during our adventure there... we saw loads of amazing houses. hahah. the house damn nice lo. :) then it was freaking hot. saw and ice cream man and then bought ice cream. ice cream havent finish when we reach mich hse. so she was like watching us eat.. me and junese kept on bullying her lo. then after that mich ask we all study, but we got no mood wan study mah. so din study. hahaha. sms-ed chris. she was in hospital?? hahah. she *fainted*... unexpected??? hahha. she so hyper, so "strong" can faint de.. hahah. weird weird de... Zzz... Okay. nw i can;t stop thinking about that ... person named _____ cant say cant say.. Shhh... i'm so bored... slept at about 12.05am yesterday??? watched chronicles of narnia; the lion the witch and the wadrobe and chronicles of narnia; prince caspian.... hahah. before that i was reading new moon. then mum asked me to clear up the DVDs. so i told her i was goin to watch prince caspian... then she was like ... what?? lesbian??? i laughed like crazy lo!!!! then i corrected her la... its PRINCE CASPIAN... zzz. hahah. aiya. today i want to meet up with my loving brothers but they cant! aiya. wasted sia. i miss them lo!!! BFF mahs... :) Okok. CHIAOs.
BYEbye! :)
Lovedd, Totally!! <3
11:31 am
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
HELLOhello. Hihi. Okok. Aiya, nothing much to say today. :D
Hahha. Okok, school was okay la today. During pe lesson, i begged ms ang to let me take the sit&reach again... Zzz... she didnt let at first lo. Then when we walking at the amphitheatre there... hahaha. i shouted her name.. Hahha. Den at last she let me take the sit&reach.. Muahahha. Yeahh! finally... i get all 5 points for napfa test. Muahahah, :D wee!!!~
after school, stayed awhile in school. Talked to irfasha awhile... Hahah. secret yaww... Shhh... :D
then me and junese sat with sharleen and chris. Hahah. chris and sharleen ate lunch...
chris ate her pau in her usual weird way. seriously... even junese said it was weird lo!!! Hahah. chris was like peeling the skin of the pau... and then she... Okok, nvmind.. the nxt time anybody see her eating lunch.. buy for her a pau. and see how she eat it... Zzzz... Muahahah!!! :D
After that... went home. as usual. boarded 103 this time. then at abt 3pm liddat.. went down to meet my loving brothers...
RIZAL <3 and ridhuan.. Hahaha. they gave me tuition at macs. then hakim came down.... Okok. he was so super irritating la!!! keep on talking crap...
emo-ed at macs ahwile the boys talk amongst themselves... Okok. they cheered me up!! hahah.
MANCHESTER UNITED vs. ARSENAL <3-1> (man utd won!!) woots woots!!~ hahah. Yeahh.. !! ronaldo and park ji sung scored... okok. got a new ipod shuffle... okay, love it... but its
PINK... gosh.. hate the colour la!!! wah. tmr the class tee guy coming down seyh. we going giv him the design... Zzzz... hope so the price i can bargain lo... hahaha... Okok. wan study abit.. then go sleep... i'm freaking tired luhh...
Okok. Bbyee!!! BYEbye... 17
10:39 pm
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
HELLOhello. !!
=.= Heyy yaww!! hahas. Okok. Lols. went to macs ytd with junese and mich. Yea. the three of us again. Chris din join us. sadded sia! hahah. okay, mich was sick. she couldn't eat stuff in macs.. so me and junese went to buy an ice-cream each.. yeah. made her jealous.. Muahahaha. LOLs. hahah. after we ate the ice cream... mich went to buy the idk wad thing to eat. Okay. Lols sia. then she came back to macs. bought a sandwhich or something like that la. so we watched her eat lo. HAHAA!!! after dat... went to the court to see if there's space to play mahs. walau. the bloody boys din wan to share the court with us lo!!!! Zzzz... damned lo. Okok. after that... went serangoon gardens... mich went ot see a doc. haha. we wanted to follow her into the room... but she din allow. hahah=.= after dat, went to macs. studied..
WE ARE HARDWORKING PEOPLE okay. Okok. Hahah. after dat mum fetched me home...
05.05.09 Today...
Okok. nth much to say. Zzz... mrs choy didn't come.. so no lifelit today. a few relief teachers came in. did a personal recount on the person u hate the most. Yeahh. i did not hav any problem writing on it cuz i alrd hav it all in my brain!!! cuz the person i hate is just sitting one table behind me... she's damn irritating can??!!! i wrote all the things lo. i didn't care if the teacher come looking after me. so what??!! its the fact anyway. why must i be scared of it seyh??? Zzzz... lame la. useless people... i mean useless friend... hahah. Okok. had a news frm mr lim that C div goin to hav new player. her name... Farah??? national u-14 player. a defender if not wrong... Okok. finally gt a pro in the C div team lo!! haha. obviously all the seniors will ____ her... Zzzz... Okok. nvm. Forget about it. not important. hope so we get CHAMPIONS!!! hahah. okok. CHIAO
its me... / s.u.p.e.r.h.u.m.a.n :D
4:57 pm
Saturday, 2 May 2009
O.o HELLOhello. Hahah. okay. today like what the hell?? nth do mahs.
brother goin back in to camp tmr. Hahaha! yeah. finally can get peace yaww!!
hahah. Okok. Tried studying these few days.. But i just get distracted so easily!
how to study sia!! Omg! i dun wanna fail man! haha.
hope so can get promoted to NA nxt year. den can be wif my best fren!! YEAHH!!
hahha. okay. i've been occupying myself with the TWILIGHT book. Lols.
okay. seriuosly nth do le! gonna buy bubble tea later.
then study. after that watch tv lo. as usual. haha. wanna play soccer but...
soccer mates all kena suspend from playing. so too bad... Pfft. Crap.
hahah. wah. mid year exam starts nxt nxt week man! okay. really gonna study man!
hahha. okok. promised myself goona study hard and well.. pass all exams???
den can get new soccer boots le!! woo!~ hahaha. :D
walau i damn fed up with damn irritating sister. damn it la she.
annoying, irritating, seriously irritating and complain queen man!
okok. nvm le. goin down ahile. den come up i wanna go study. after dat...
continue read twilight. :D Okok. BYEbye. !
Okok. iHateHer alot.
that girl i hate is so.. idiotic.
i hate her alot.
i hate her.
she sucks.
bloody show off can?
only dat she dun admit.
dun even know hw to play soccer.
lame la.
what right bacak???
cant even defend properly.
LOSER. cheebye.
s.u.p.e.r.h.u.m.a.n #17
11:51 am