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Thursday 30 July 2009

Okayokay, i've been Laughing like hell for the past two days.
All thanks to my surroundings!
Climate change! Haha, I'mLovin'It (:
Even though our match with AMK was terribly played,
we still overcomed it. Haha.
Ate at KFC after the match, farhanah's Daddy treat!
Haha, Ohya..
Farhanah was carrying the food..
So me and farah wanted to go and help,
then zuhrah Extra sia.. Haha
But nehmind, So me and zuhrah went.
We raced to farhanah ;
not knowing she was gonna turn.
Then we slipped and fall. Stood up and Laughed.
Damn funny,
Okayokay, Today..
Errmm.. Haha. Laughed alot during DC.
I thought i was gonna Hate DC alot man,
But thanks to Jasem, i was really enjoying DC alot today.
Laughed Like crazy,
Junese was doing her homework and then she slept.
Haha. Didn't disturb her.
So yeah, we Laughed. Nashry EMo-ed.
So the only ones who was laughing was me and Jasem ONLY.
Omg la,
Then played soccer after DC.
Met izzad,
Then off to hougamg point.
Laughed again, This time with zuhrah.
Then met Roy,
Ate fries. Did the Earny way, Damn damn FunnY!
Like i said:

Omg, i was soo damn close. But he didn't notice a single thing. Thanks FrenchFries. I'mLovin'It!

haha, If you know the earny style,
Then you'll know what i mean.
The injured man walked me to the bus stop.
Aww.. How kind of him.. (: Sweet eh?
Haha. Funny funny,
Then gave him something,
Board the bus and Home-ed! ;D

Okays, CHIAO.

10:22 pm -ForverLovedd*-

Monday 27 July 2009

MATCH WITH DEYI ! - we Lost 1 - 0 ( its okay BOWEN, keep it up )

Yeahyeah, so what? we Lost to them.. 1 - 0 no BIG DEAL?
we played our best.
Defended, tried winning the ball already,
But yeah, that national player score only ONE goal.
okayokay, whatever. -.-
Gonna play properly the next match.
wanna score at least 2 goals!
i'm So Lookin' forward to the AMK match on wednesday,
its in Bowen. cool or what? Haha,
i'm Gonna play on my favourite field! LOL.
Hope so i can score a Goal or two.. For him.
Haha. scored 3 goals so far just for him! Omg,
i'm pushing myself! Yay! Thanks to him. Haha.

Okay, today.
The match was fine,
The whether was so totally perfect!
i L o v e that kinda whether. RAIN!
Finally.. i think i played properly.
Haha. (:
After match, head back to school.
we played in the rain.
we took a funny photo together,
it was seriously damn funny.
and we were Like FREEZING!
its damn cold with the totally drenched jerseys.
bus-ed to Kovan with the peoples..

E a r n y
H u m a i r a
A m a l i n a
Z u h r a h
J u n e s e
M i c h e l l e
A n ' n u u r

LOL. the beatiful people, Haha. LOL
Ate at kfc. and then ate minimelts, Mmmm. Yummy!
I'mLovinIt! <3
Haha. LOLs.
Then after that
After the feast,
bus-ed back with mich and junese,
Then walked back home.
Took a warm shower with Dettol shower gel,
and washed my hair with Dettol shampoo.
I'm now 99.9% free from Germs! weee!~
Haha. Lame, i know. -.-
Good Lucks,
To all the soccerplayers!
Lets win the next match together!
win together, Lose together.. Teammates~
i L o v e m y T e a m !

7:56 pm -ForverLovedd*-

Saturday 25 July 2009

whoops, Long time never post le.
Haha. was busy these few days, REALLY busy.

Today ; 25/07/09

woke up at 8am,
bathed. changed and wlaked out of the house.
Took 147 to bowen.
it was raining cats and dogs.
ran in the rain,
haha. Damn funny!
waited for my FATHER. Lol. (:
Then walked to school,
Got a special welcome when i reached school.
wheni step into the canteen ;
everyone shouted ; ROY. wth? -.-
so just walked off,
then talked to him awhile,
ROY! You stole my cookies! :D
then talked to Mr Lim,
MANY problems. all because of SOME people la,
open mouth and talk rubbish.
wth can? i've had ebough of al this la.
then after the conver with mr Lim,
watched the match Bowen vs peicai.
LOL! Roy had many chance of scoring la,
he played well.. and so did hilmi.
Roy dropped down to the ground during the 2nd half.
he was disappointed though,
didn't score a goal for __. ):
Then after that, walked out of school with him.
bought my light breakfast and ate it.
then GO HOME!

Yesterday ; 24/07/09

Had match with Henderson Sec,
Didn't play well. Totally disappointed.
Even though i scored one goal.
After the match, Many irritating things happen.
Didn't want to know about it.
but farah told me, so i just listened.
Lol. Bus-ed back to school.
when reach school, Grab my bag and run to the parade square.
watched abit of the ncc PassingOutParade.
Then off to watch the LIVERPOOL training session with Farah.
its damn nice. haha.
took mrt to kallang, then walked to the stadium.
saw Roy's buddies. so we walked behind them.
Reached the stadium, Bought some merchandise.
Thanks Farah for treating me! (:
haha. Got a seat,
cheered for Torres! weeee!~
Then they trained ah,
its sooooo COOL!~
but one part of the training,
they all ask those who hate man utd to stand up.
ME? i will never hate man utd. NEVER.
the die hard core fans were all cheering for xabi alonso,
so joined them cheer for him.
did the wave. Haha. Funny funny one,
After the training, ate ice cream. Farah's cousin treat. (Thanks!)
Then went to pasir ris, ate chicken cutlet.. Farah's uncle treat. (Thanks again!)
Mum and Dad fetch me from there. Lol.
then went home.
showered and then i dozed off.

the day before; 23/07/09

His birthday.
i was crying la, he kena Flagpole sia.
and he cried.
then he was being smacked by so many people.
but lastly, he was being ______. (:
Haha. and that made him real happy. Lol.
watched the senior vs junior match.
roy became feverish then.
he collapsed during the 2nd half,
ran to him.
comforted him. and then walked out off school.
Gosh, what a harsh day for him la.
but he's gonna be okay. (:
Roy's a strong boy!

Hilmi&Roy. Friends forever. (:

2:57 pm -ForverLovedd*-

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Oh yeah,
put on a Greeny baju kurong.
haha. sweet!
Roy put on Marigold, i think.
Haha. Took pictures with isaac in class.
He damn funny can!
Made me laugh Like crazy.
recess time ;
sat with Roy.
and farah, maira, nana, wx and caeley.
caeley helped me take photots of eherms*.
some were blur. and we were laughing like hell.
damn funny.
smacked roy twice.
He rocks man! (:
Then Earny was there too. haha.
The Blah Blah Blah..
walked to canteen,
wanted to hide from someone.
but couldnt,
he caught me.
had a counselling session with him
Urgh, BOYS. whatever,
ate lunch.
spyed on my cousin and his GF!
cute la they all. (:
took their photo.
my spying skill rules!
changed to tee and shorts.
played soccer while watching the boys train (:
then disturbed ms ang awhile.
oh wells,
tmr got training behind my house nia.
haha. fun hor!
can come to my house for lunch.
no la,
kidding nia.
have to run 2.4 AGAIN tmr.
wth! Ms ang, pity me!
i Love that number 14:17 !
no.. i should get 11:17 NICER.
Okay la,
wanna go facebook now.

5:12 pm -ForverLovedd*-

Monday 20 July 2009

Oh yeah,
we defeated Siglap! 4 - 0
Cool or what? Haha.
Today my corner kicks was normal. Phew!
not like the woodlands match sia.
i was Like, so pissed. then anyhow kick.
Lol. Haha. (:

1st Goal: Ang Wei Xuan.
2nd Goal: An'nuur!
3rd Goal: Junese See.
4th Goal: Farah!

Cool eh. Haha, we have also thought that Siglap was a VERY VERY strong team.
And today, i think we've done what we could to win the match.
Even though i was a little injured.
My neck hurts can! Urgh -.- Unhappy then say ah. Eeyer,
Lol. i fell twice. Got two free kicks.
And we suppose to get THREE penalties.
but the refree "kind-hearted" to siglap la.
So we took TWO only. Haha. Oh wells,
we won anyway.

So.. after the match. Bullied Joleen. (:
haha. Funny! :D
Then went to celebrate..
at.. 7-eleven ; Ate cup noodles.
Earny, Shao wen, Thahira, Rahimah, Sharleen, Farhanah, Michelle, Junese, Zuhrah and Humaira was there.
we had a feast. UNDER THE BLOCK! haha.
at the void deck. (:
Fun fun.

after thta, we bus-ed home.
Mcdonald'scheated me and junese's feelings.
They say can use ez-link already,
then when reach there..
They say cannot use. wth! Me and junese was already famished can.
Grrr! -.-

So, yeah. i'm delighted today.
haha. was dismissed early today.
then played soccer awhile during recess.
Almost the whole team was at the field.
after school, played smacking..
with SOMEONE. haha.
He damn what can?!
In front of Mr Lim,
he say that i'm his SISTER?!
Omg, i wont want to have a brother like him can.
Lol. (: I'm so gonna meet Torres this friday!
Torres is sooo hawt! (:

8:13 pm -ForverLovedd*-

Saturday 18 July 2009

Okay, i'm updating right now because my 'Grandmother' ask me to.
That WOMAN. haha!
Had training today. Early in the morning sia. was so sleepy.
before training,
me, weixuan and junese was making fun of the..
SNSD. haha. Silly N Stupid Dogs. Haha.
LOL! funny funny.
Finally, learned how to control a high ball. Cool!
So yeah, had training and Blah Blah Blah.
After training, went off with mich and junese.
went AMK hub.
watched Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince.
The story damn WHAT lo. They didn't finish up the story!
The ending part, Harry & his friends was still searching for the thing.
wth can. the story is 2hours plus.
and they cut so many parts! Urgh! -.-
And i'm goin to watch again tmr. Lol.
after the show, went to macs. Ate lunch.
Mich was eating her fries,
she didn't swallow it first.
so the fries was sticking out if her mouth.
and suddenly, Her saliva dripped!
Omg, me and junese was laughing our asses off!
Damn funny can.
i was seriously Laughing like crazy!
my MOTHER made me laugh,
and my GRANDMOTHER was worst! Haha!
so after much laughing and crapping,
i went home. junese went for tuition.
and mich.. idk where she went.
can't wait for Friday!
Liverpool and Man Utd, here i come! (:

Good Luck LOSER,
for your match on saturday.
i miss you LOSER.
haha. Shorty! <3

7:25 pm -ForverLovedd*-

Friday 17 July 2009

Omg. i'm awake so early in the morning.
Is it because of the match??
Had a dream must now. Winning todays match of course.
Hope it'll come true man! (:
i wanna win this match so badly,
that i can't go back to sleep.
cus in a few hours time..
we'll be on that field, Playing the match.
its goin to be five soon.
And i wishing upon that wishing star,
to win todays match!
win together, Lose together; Teammates.
Majulah Bowen! <3

Hope so that Loser come and watch my match.
Next week.
Err.. whenever the match is in Bowen la.
That LOSER. sore LOSER! Haha.
i Love you alot SORE LOSER! <3

4:46 am -ForverLovedd*-

Thursday 16 July 2009

Oh Gosh, i'm soo tired.
My hand/arm muscles are hurting!
And so is my heart. Haha.
just kidding. (: ___ Keep on calling me a Loser.
oh wells, my bad. cus i'm the one who teached him the word LOSER
___ is a Loser.
haha! we keep on showing "L" to each other.
Damn funny. Mr Lim, i think you're right. Roy is SLOW. Haha!
okay, Tmr match with Woodlands.
we are soooo gonna win that match no matter WHAT.
gonna thrash damn! Haha
Go Bowen! Lets rule the field!

We Will Be The Champions! <3

4:14 pm -ForverLovedd*-

Monday 13 July 2009

heys (:
haha. Okay, i'm here to update.. cus chris ask me to, Yeaterday.. haha
today, didnt hav training.. had a frenly match with AMK sec.
it was fun! we won 6 - 0 (?)
or more.. haha. i know we win can already.
hahas. scored one goal. cool! took 2 corners..
haha. Oh wells, even though we won..
i font think i played really well today. Lols.
wasn't feeling well, couldn't kick the ball properly.
Gahh! nehmind, Tournament this friday.
against WoodLands sec @ Fuchun Sec.
Hope we win!! (: its a MUST to win! haha.
Bought new boots on saturday. Adidas.
i think its same as chris de?? Idk la.
its damn nice, comfortable. (: I'mLovinIt.
haha. new things/feelings recently happened.
haha. ______ ! Lol. haha.
sian sian sian. I'm sleeping in maths class this few days.
haha. Boring mah. the cher teach me LIke as if i'm a Primary4 kid.
wth can?! Forget it. Lol.
Haha. i'm lovin the 2nd floor classroom more than the first floor de.
Haha, can see everyone from that classroom.
Haha. Okayokay, nothing to say le. Goin update the juniorsoccer blog.

8:40 pm -ForverLovedd*-

Thursday 9 July 2009

Maths are really getting boring these days.
seriously, i'm sleeping in every maths class.
sian. haix. few more days before tournament,
and things go wrong.
Gahh. can't concentrate. why must all this happen?
nehmind. -.-
recently, some Great stuff have been going on.
hahas. Like ______ walking into my Life.
Hahas (: he's sweet! XD

; Thanks chris for all the advices. Hahas. (:

People change ,
Feelings change ,
Attitudes change .

; Forget all about it and move on ..

4:55 pm -ForverLovedd*-

Saturday 4 July 2009

haha. Lotsa things happened man!
Firstly, Tournament Is Coming! nervous; nervous.
Haha. Yesterday, after school..
went to eat lunch at macs with Maira, Farah, Chris & Junese.
Haha. Maira thanks for your treat!
Then chit-chat. Finally, i talked to chris.
Haha. Chris is a Hygenic person (:
washes her hands before and after eating.
LOL! after that head back to school.
changed and then Played / walked around.
Farah Damn CUTE! she keep on singing the Raindrops are falling on my head.
LAUGHED! LOL-ed! haha.
Training starts. Light training.
Me and weixuan will be taking the corner kicks!
Weeeee!~ Haha
After that match against sneiors. we draw 1-1
Great goal by Humaira! (:
i had many chances to shoot de.
But then i unlucky ah. Haha.
Didn't think i played well during the match.
Did mistakes! Gahh.
Must train harder le. 2 more weeks to Tournament.

Flashbacks ; Thursday / 2nd july !

watched Tansformers 2. Again!
Haha. with Chris, Mich and Junese
Haha. Junese said i cried 5 times.
But actually no. i cried once or twice only!
haha. The ending was abit confusing though.
Haha. Fallen died first. Then megatron died.
Aiya, idk la. Later go watch again.
Mich treated me the movie ticket.
Chris treated me a drink.
Thanks Yeah! (: Haha.
went home at 7pm :D
Okays, nothing else to say le.
Till next Time!

AYG ; China is taking almost all the Gold Medals!

1:58 pm -ForverLovedd*-


About her


I'm a 1996-ish
I'm the kind&loving.
I love soccer
Family and friends are lovedd
North east