Monday, 31 August 2009
HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY ! :D the concert today was, So-so sat near roy. Muahahaha! Wah, nowadays very hard to face his friends. Keep on saying Hi to me. O_O Lols manxz. Okayokay, went back to Yangzheng today. wah, seriously changed alot manxz! Met the old classmates. Rock On lah! Sat in the 6F classroom, that spirit was there. We felt it as a class. :D Even though the teacher wasn't there. Lols. Then sat at the field, with Cher Liang, Sammi and Jarrod. Darn funneh. Oh wells, we were surrounded by the.. Lower Primary students. Thanks to Me. -.- Irritating can, they keep on following me. O_O Jarrod was the funniest! HAHA~ Jarrod: You know fazly ah? You P what? Lower Primary: 'P' 'P' 'P'.. PeePit! **Me, Sammi and CherLiang laughed like hell lahs. kicked jarrod's ass. whacked him. slapped him. and he did the same to me too. -.- so, it was fair. Its darn funny too. Took a photo with Jarrod. Nice Photo! ILOVEIT. :D Brother&Sister. Ohyeah! Okayokay, zooming off. HAHAH. Going mich house Tmr. Toodles!
8:50 pm
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Gahh, i'm superly tired manxz. There's like nothing to do at home lahs. yesterday's training was boring. but during the juggling part onwards, training was fun. Lols. Love the heading in a group. HAHA! After training, kicked around. NCC boys came in. saw Roy! :D Then, for the first time in my life. HAHA. kicked from behind the penalty box, it was a CROSSBAR. Woots! Going to Arab Street later, at 3pm. Gonna buy foods! haha. Then, i'm so not missing the.. Michael Jackson World History Concert! Its at 7pm. Woohoo!! Today's his birthday, so.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL JACKSON!Rest In Peace yeahs? Haha. :D Ohoh! Todays my aunt's birthday also. Haha. Happy Birthday! :D I'm satisfied with my common test 2 results! Haha. This time, i really did my best. :D three A's and one B. (: Good or Bad huh? HAHAH ^^
11:50 am
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Whoo, today.. as per normal. Boring day, AGAIN. darn bored. O_O science lessons are Lovedd^^ after school, did social studies project with.. ROY and zuhrah. :D Haha, roy guided us. Ohyeah man! my job was easier when he's around. Hahas, Lalala~ i'm soo the penat manxz. eesh, bulan ramadhan lagi. monday, goin back to Yangzheng! Ohyeahs man. class gathering! 6F re-unites! HAHA. :D cool class man, especially with the cool people. Ohyeah, Ohyeah. Rock on lah 6F! Memories will be kept. but then, Mr Chua spoil lah. Go change school for what. Or not we could go back to 6F classroom, and sit at our seats again. HAHA. Memories that will NEVER fade away. :D 6F-ians. :D An'nuur ; Brandon ; Hui Xuan ; Geraldine ; Joseph ; Hui Luan ; Garrick ; Zhi Ling ; Karna ; Cai Ping ; Jordan ; Mei Yu ; Wei An ; Mavizhi ; izzad ; Syakir ; Nicholas ; Hafiqah ; Syahidah ; shima ; Vivian ; Wen Yong ; Agnes ; Priya ; Esther ; Sheen Ee ; shermaine ; soong Li Xuan ; You Zhi ; Colin ; Wong Li Xuan ; Wei LIng ; Zhi Qiang. :D twenty babes and thirteen hunks. :D Class Of thirty-three!i miss 6F alot! :D
8:28 pm
Saturday, 22 August 2009
  whoops, Forgotten to post these photos. :P Booyeah! Today first day of the fasting month. HAHAH. twenty-nine days! Im so gonna make it full this year, Please. i dont want paybacks. :x Gonna buy Lotsa stuff for dinner later. i wanna drink Mocha Oreo. (: Hohoho, Okayokay. since there's nothing to do. i wanna go sleep. Lalala~ haha. can't eat what. Thanks for the chocolates, Yesterday. (: Imyvm. Hope you know that,
10:33 am
Friday, 21 August 2009
Ohyeah man! Common test are totally OVER. (: Heard that i passed my science. Weeee!~ HAHAH~ Oh wells, Today was another.. Boring day? the Family wore black socks today. cool uh? Haha. (: CE period was fun, watched the sec twos CIP presentation. TwoAceTwo's presentation was nice. **Nice posing Roy! (: HAHAH. was laughing all the way. stayed back with zuhrah and farah awhile. Sad case, humaira couldnt stay. played soccer. screamed like hell, because of the thunder. darn funny, hit many stuff in the canteen. didnt wait for that ncc-ian to finish, and we went off. Getting class tee on monday. Ohyeah man. There's DOMO at the front. Tomorrow start fasting le.. ROARR!~ Im gonna eat alot today. Lotsa food on the dining table. (: i wanna eat pizza today! hawaiian please, (: Puase besok Oii! (:nawaitu sawmaradin anadaee fardish sohree ramadhana hadithis sanati lilahita'llah. SELAMAT BERPUASA, To: Orangorang Islam (: oii! Puase, jangan tak puase tauw! Nanti tak dapat duit raye.. twenty-nine days of fasting. Puase kena full! Bary dpt SGD$30.00HAHAH!~
4:40 pm
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
he's not here, Again. Sadsad, Today morning at 0625hrsmiss FARAH NADHIRAH woke me up -.-i was tired can, so didnt reply her msg. woke up at 7am instead, bathe then changed and off to school. Yeahsyeahs, wednesday. met farah at the busstop. walked to school, met Hafiz at the canteen. it was darn funny lah! :D HAHAH~ put our bags down, Hafiz looked at farah. then asked.. Hafiz: Have you guys eaten?
*He asked twice. *farah didnt respond, i did.
Ann: Nope, just reach what. Hafiz: Oh, you guys wanna eat anything?
*Mouth shuts, i smiled at farah. *Farah was like..
"What!" HAHAH~ Took out our books and studied. We were all damn silent. Msged farah, even though she was only a few centimeters away from me. Then, Nick came. (Woohoo!)
He broke the silence, Made me laugh like hell! He was eating. Then saw farah's msg. then he was like..
Nick: You both are not even one metre away! Then i burst into laughter, And so did Farah. HAHAH~ Hafiz's English is damn "pro", Topped the class? Lol. Darn funny, went back to class, science paper lah sehh. it was stressing me out! One of the question was: name the three gasses which affects Greenhouse effects (?) Forget le, my answer was: Chlurofluorocarbon, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide/dioxide.
i was clever, put a slash down there. Let the teahcer choose, monoxide or dioxide. (: HAHAH! ~ English, was easyeasy! had one hour to do the whole paper. But i only took 15 minutes to finish it. the other 45 minutes, i was sleeping. (: Cool or what, fourty-five minutes. Then, (Blahblahblah..) Training, JUNESE SEE YI QI, injure me! my knee somemore.wth -.- Now my right knee pain, and my left leg the muscles all aching. Thanks lah, O_O Ended at 4pm. then home-ed. (: tomorrow, match with Deyi. 3rd and 4th placing lah sehh. Hope get third. (:Onward Bowen. imyvm, when can you..come back? i need you.
8:04 pm
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
match with queensway was, (idk how to describe) smacked #1 *****. HAHAH~ didnt score a single goal. Pfft. -.- Fed up oii, 2nd half kena sub out. was limping on the field mah, then.. was sitting down. saw the ball rolling, on the left side.. Rolling rolling. NOBODY bothered to come up and kick the ball in?! queenie/simin was supposed to take over me! they could just run there and kick it in, why didnt anyone bother to cross the ball in?! If i was there, i would cross it in man. Damn fed up about that part. junese and zuhrah played well. well done people! (: On the bus, ate. was famished. then laughed. HAHAH~ thursday, Finals. Lol. we top 4 good enough le. cus, we are new players man! there's still a next time anyway, Haha. Today was.. suckish i could say. someone didnt come to school, high fever. four days mc. wth -.-Imyvm! Get well soon, takecare aite. (:after school did math test, easyeasy uhh. (: then after that, went sweettalk. then lepak awhile in school. saw hiLmeemee, hafiz and nick. HAHAH~ the at 3pm walked off, bus-ed home. havent eat Lunch yet. Lalala~ tmr science and english test. should be easy bahs. :x Gonna do my best, Lol. thursday, Finals against Deyi. must win! (: Onward Bowen! :x Farah finally talked to Hafiz. Roy didnt come school,Sadsad ): Byebye. Imyvm, Roy.. its our day, 19.08.2009
4:43 pm
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Woohoo, wassup people! XD Okayokay, today is damn fun. and so was yesterday. (: Yesterday.. went for training, but couldn't train. thanks to my knee. must rest, so used right leg only. Pfft. Darn it, BORING can. But i can see the ncc people. HAHA~ today, woke up at 9.45am was still tired, but my dad lah.. ask me wake up so early. washed up, then changed. ate breakfast, and my family was off to the city. send my aunt, then my mum. after that.. went to Bishan J8 watched UP. the movie damn cute lah, (: Funny and touching also. HAHA. then at 3pm, went to Geylang Serai. was chendol-ing and was eating kebab at the same time. then hilmi msg me, he said he saw me.. stopped eating, Looked around.. nowhere to be found :x then he suddenly walked infront of me, smiled at him (: then continue eating. Haha. i was freaking hungry lah, LOL then bus-ed home. played badminton with my cousin. yeahyeah, Fun. (: then went sweettalk. Mocha Oreo ! :x Lalala~ and here i am now, Blogging. (: can't wait for monday's match. with Queensway sia, wth? if Deyi still okay ah. we'll play our best, :D thanks for the sweet memories, You gave me..on 14th August 2009 at 7.35pm (:
7:55 pm
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Bowen vs Fuchun 4 - 0 ! *claps claps. :D yeahyeah, we rock today. TOTALLY. first goal was from junese, then humaira. third goal was Fantastic man! Farah wanted to kick the ball, yeah.. almost out leh. BUT.. my knee help to kick it into the goalpost. i was like : "wow?" i thought the ball was out already, so wanted to turn and get ready for their goalkick. then suddenly my leg hit the ball, and i scored! :D its a special goal man, the Farah&An'nuur crazy Goal, (:^^ sixteen, seventeen. (: Yeah, semi-finals.. woohoo! Here we come! but first match with queensway. wth -.- i want AMK lah! Haha. now, Gonna recover my knee now. Get well soon, KNEE. HAHA~ met Fareez (Father), Huda (Mother) and Farah (Granny) Haha. kicked Granny's ass. Funny funny! woohoo, then went out of school. wanted to go 943 but yeah, so saw a cat. :D Fave! "communicated" with the cat, the cat respond lah sey. cat Liked me too. so, yeah. played with the cat. Haha. saw my old friend. i missed him alot! maybe gonna meet him tmr, my bestfriend lah sey.nono.. my GodBrother. Love ya, firman! :xfalling in love with captain's ball/netball. (: but i still Love soccer more, no matter what. :P Haha.ONWARD BOWEN !
8:08 pm
Monday, 10 August 2009
Tagged by CHRIS (:1) Are you sinqle or attached ? Ans: Attached. 2) Do you have a person you like ? Ans: Yeah, (: 3) What is the name of your person you in love with ? Ans: Roy. 4) If the person you in love and your mother dropped into the sea , who will you save ? Ans: Totally, no idea. 5) Have you hug someone before ? Ans: Yeah, my senior. 6) Do you love your parents ? Ans: Yeah. 7) Will you hug the want you love ? Ans: Yeah. 8) Are you willing to do anythinq for your boyf/girlf ? Ans: Depends uhh. 9) Are you jealous now ? Ans: Yeahs. 10) Who is the last person who msg you ? Ans: CHRIS. 11) Who is your clique ? Ans: Farah, Humaira, farhanah, Caeley (: 12) Do you want babies in future ? Ans: Err.. see first ah. 13) Do you prefer MacDonald, Long John or KFC ? Ans: Macdonalds! :D 14) Do you sniff glue ? Ans: Nope. 15) Do you smoke ? Ans: Nope. 16) If your boyf/girlf play 2 timer behind you , what will you do ? Ans: Dump him and say: "GET LOST, Freak" -.- 17) If you rich , what will you do ? Ans: Buy a mansion, a sports car and LOTS more. (: 18) If the love wants held your hands , what will you do ? Ans: Happy! *Blush* 19) If the want you in love , reject you , what will you do ? Ans: Err.. Go on with Life, 20) What is your favourite character ? Ans: spongebob? HAHA. 21) Friendship or Love ? Ans: Friendship, it last longer. (: 22) Cookie monster or Elmo ? Ans: ELMO!~ 23) Do you use laptop or computer ? Ans: laptop 24) Do you like lollipop ? Ans: Hell yeah, :D 25) Do you have a diary ? Ans: Used to, now use blog. 26) There an admirer and won't die heart , what will you do ? Ans: Err.. Idk ?? 27) if you quarrel with your boyf/girlf , and ask for a break up , what will you do ? Ans: settle it, if can't then.. break lo. 28) Are you blur ? Ans: Sometimes. :D 29) If you can have your hair dye , what colour would you want it to be ? Ans: Dark brown with light brown streaks (: 30) Who is the last person you chatted with ? Ans: CHRIS ! 31) How many boyf/girlf have you beaten before ? Ans: One. HAHA~ 32) If your boyf/girlf do not love you anymore , what will you do ? Ans: move on lah, 33) what school are you in ? Ans: Bowen. (: 34) tag 10 besties or friends to do this quiz. Ans: 1) Humaira 2) Sheen Ee 3) Nicholas 4) Hafiqah 5) Miraa 6) caeley 7) byron 8) zhi rong 9) zhi qiang (: 10) matin. See CHRIS, your name is HERE! Haha, cheyy. National day, yesterday. :p Haha, was stone-ing at home the whole day today. watched a horr-medy (horror + comedy) it was freaking funny! i was laughing my ass off, HAHAHA! yesterday, went marina first. then too crowded.. go changi beach. HAHA. watch the planes take off. (: then yeah, went home. Tired lahh. slept, woke up late today. then played xbox with my bro. Damn funny~ After Game-ing, had this weird chocolate craving. and i asked my aunt for some which means A LITTLE chocolate. so she went upstairs to take, when she came down.. i was so surprised! she took ONE BIG plastic bag, FULL OF CHOCOLATES ! ~- at a moment , i thought i was in chocolate heaven. But i wasn't, cus everyone was stealing my chocolates. -.- I ate : 1) Hershey's : Mr.GoodBar 2) Cadbury's : Zip 3) Err.. Belgian chocolate Seashells ? 4) Nestle's : KitKat 5) kinder Bueno! 6) Kinder Joy 7) Choclated coated Marshmallows! HAHA! Alot right? Yeah, i was watching transformers and eating chocs at the same time. (: Oh yeah man, It was : Finger Lickin' Good ! Haha. Then ate pizza , Yumm Yumm ! Then ate satay , woah.. my favourite lah. Then now eating cheese hotdog and sharkfin soup. Yummy! Its FOOD DAY today! :D Haha, enjoying myself and also trying to recover. Lol. my knee lah, i've been icing it for THREE days le. excluding today, HAHA. Goin down to pasar malam later, wanna buy The barcelona jersey lah. idc fake or real. i just want it! cus i know i won't get a real Barcelona jersey for my birthday -.- HAHA. i also want Man Utd's latest kit! GAHH. *Anyone, please buy for me barcelona's jersey for my birthday. Haha, cheyy Ohya, thanks chris.. for understanding me. you rock man. (:
7:42 pm
Saturday, 8 August 2009
what the hell lah,
i'm so pissed off with some people.
seriously, PISSED.
wait ; To roy, Its Not You.
attention seeker sia.
i HATE those kind of people,
seriously. O_O
they SUCK to the core man.
i think i should say it in malay.. :
sial punye budak.
kau ingat kau sape?
kau suke die as a senior,
so what?
kau jgn nk step depan org smua,
yng senior tu suke kau.
kau buang mase je ah.
aku tau ah,
kau express.
die pun express.
die cume suke bdk EXPRESS kn.
Gi belah sudah.
perempuan sial.
cheebye sak.
dh lah nk step nangis
depan die.
nk die pujuk kau kn.
ckp je ah, aku blh tlg lah.
~ i've had enough of her attitude.
she really sucks man.
i hate teammates like that,
: aku tau ah die suke kau lebih dari die suke aku.
tapi tkya step ah,
tkya lebih2. aku dh bosan dgr name tu,
_____, SO WHAT.
HAHA, great. i'm totally venting my anger today. (:
woohoo. and its all in malay!
I'mLovin'It. <3>STUDY. STUDY. STUDY!
must pass;
All subjects.
Make em' proud. (:
:x Err, Anyone? Do you mind motivating me to study?
Bring me somewhere peaceful,
where i can study; Concentrate!
Edited: Whoops, i broke a glass. what does that have to mean? :x
" A Broken Glass is a Broken Heart? -Heal my Heart, ROY."
:x Study, Study, Study ;
TORRESised Lil'Girl (:
12:07 pm
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Hello. haha. today, sian ah. class kena punish by mr goh. wtf can! we innocent can, bastard sia. -.- whatever ; no assembly. had CE. dressed zuhrah up in the changi airport costume. freaking funny! took photos. ALOT. then saw hilmi, talked. after that recess, ate. then science lesson, mr Lim was making us laugh like crzay can! then chinese, cher never come. havoc lorh. bottle caps flying around. zuhrah fucker sia,she sucks to the core to the max to the extreme. talk all crap sia. SHE SUCKS LIKE HELL!okayokay, after school. haha. met huda and fareez. then met farah. after that saw hilmi. was laughing like hell can, hilmi immitated fareez. so cute! hilmi was hearing to heavy metal, with fareez of course. (: so, me and huda rotted. yeah, we did. then fareez sat beside huda, hilmi sat beside me. damn funny lah can! he was hearing to metal, then suddenly he kena shock! me and huda laughed like crazy! OMGomgomg! funny! HAHA. (: hilmi walked off. didnt do handshake with him. whoops! nehmind uhh, still got next time yo. I'LL MAKE IT TWICE!hilmi hilmi, haha. damn fun talking to him. roy, didnt spend time with us. so, too bad. he didnt enjoy. :P bus-ed home. Later got kenduri. Nisfu Sya'ban. (: YayyYayy! Nak dekat puasa! (: cant wait sia. ;DD NATIONAL DAY is nearing! (: :x Lotsa Love, TORRESised. #17
5:22 pm
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
match against tampines, won 3-0 junese rocks man! two goals. haha today, Tmr and thursday my class kena isolated sia.wth. -.- cant even go parade square lo, oh wells.. it was fun anyway (: didnt study much, science, maths and chinese and ss was fun. LifeLit lesson was the best lah. watched "The Others" at AVA. horror movie, Favourite lah! ;D Got one part, everyone scream. Damn funny, melvin from front seat run all the way to the back. scared huh. haha! Funny! today 20 people nvr come school, cool or what. yesterday worts.. 22 people nvr come. Haha. we ruled the canteen, recess was at 10.40 - 11.00 damn cool can! then got free period. Mr Lim allowed handphones during science, chinese teacher allowed eating in class. Fun sia! damn fun, i wonder tmr how many people will come eh? Hmm.. Tmr match with Queensway, Omg. must play properly. this time the field smaller, but suckish. muahahahah. (: nervous sia, hope so can draw with them. HAHA. tuition today, Blah blah blah... -.- Tired lo. yesterday i slept super early, 8pm sleep. slept 3 hours earlier. muahaha (: i don care; klau die suke kau, lebih dari die suker aku. O_O BIG deal? you're always comparing. express student, so what? bdk bodoh. relac one corner sudah. kau sape ah? sial nyer bdk. menyampah sak. -.- tu psl ah, smua org tk suker kau.
6:27 pm
Sunday, 2 August 2009
O.O haha. Whats up eh? (:I've been thinking about him, For days.Oh wells.. i got back with my godbrother. Phew.. he accepted my sincere apology. what a brother, he's sensitive lah. My muscles are aching all over. Omg, can i play properly tmr? Gahh. no more emotional thoughts! An'nuur! Please, concentrate yeah? (:Last match with the AMKians, we draw. All thanks to HIM! He promised but he didn't came, what a friend. -.- was pissed off, couldn't play properly. had many chances to score Goals, but didn't. i'm so dumb! Zz. Okay, whatever. i wanna thrash the next opponent! idc! ~ Haha. i fell in Love with my adidas boots. And i hope he'll help me, SCORE MORE GOALS! haha. It has been 21 days since i wore that boots, Weee!~ i L o v e y o u , B o o t s ! Yesterday, went to Fullerton Hotel. Damn nice can the place! Its Like my fave place la, Reminds me of my last few days in primary school. (: Took photos, walked on the Cavernagh Bridge. "Talked" to the sculptures, Haha. Made fun of them. And also ate ice cream along the way! After that, Dad drove to Mount Faber. Haha. walked on the Henderson Waves. SUPERB! it was cooling~ Then went to eat supper. After that home-ed. Haha. Today, Boring lah. prepaid Low. wth -.- zuhrah was being irritating, seriously. she won't give me a minute to talk to other people! And always wants me to pay special attention to her. Gahh. sick & tired of her ( Tak Layan ) thingy. -.- If only she knows what i meant, and she'll stop it. I'll be happy. (: Okay.. now what?? Hmm.. Ohya, Gonna watch UP! with maira, :D that cartoon is soo cute! fasting month around the corner, i'm Gonna fast for 3o days full! Idc. i don wanna pay back, one week.waste time sia. i wanna enjoy! No paybacks this year please! (: Thank You! Gonna pray full, during the prayer time. (:I'll be an Angel for 1 month. ;DDThen after that gonna go SHOPPING SPREE!haha. Okayokay, talking too much le. Lol. Goin back to yzps soon. Meet all the 6F-ians. (: The "Me&YouZhi - MUTV talk" I love those times. Muahahha! by the way, My Blog is so dying. Especially my Chatbox. Oh wells, Nehmind then. Let it die, i'll still post everything though. what's there to say? You hate me, i know. No worries;I'll hate you back. I'm useless anyway, I've had BITCH. Just Get Lost, will You? You're an irritant, Disturbing my Life. ShooShoo! ~
3:03 pm
Saturday, 1 August 2009
shouldn't Blog today, But since there's nothing to do... i'll just blog. things are getting better and better between me and him. Oh wells, thanks to me man. (: okayokay, Gonna play Left4Dead later with my brother and his friends. Muahahaha. Okay. i'm gonna thrash tampines badly man. I don't give a damn! Haha. Show no mercy! :D Evil Laughter* i miss you man! Can't stop thinking about you too. :) TORRESised ; i fell in Love with Torres.
1:10 pm