Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Hellohellos ; Today's Life was Funny ! (: Haha. 2nd day of school. Fun sia! Kept on laughing like siao! All thanks to the boys. Kicked Chin Xu for being rude to me. Scratched Gerald for being too Noisy. Smacked Isaac Yeo for being irritating. haha! Fun Fun Fun! :D Laughing All Day In School ! Haha. Ms Chua didnt came for maths lesson today. i think she forgotten? LOL. then Ms See came for LifeLit. Ms See damn kind lo! Haha. Best teacher! ;D So sian. Today no training. Haha (: Oh Wells, thought of Going back to.. YANGZHENG PRIMARY! where those Laughter & Scolding we always get. Miss 6F alot!! Miss all the scoldings and jokes from mr chua! Haha. Miss all those football talks in class. And those LOL-ing session during recess. I really Miss Those Times! I don't care. I'm goin back to school now. i'm Back ; 6.15pm Fun sia. Good choice i made. Went back to yzps. I Love My Juniors! Saw vivien / vivian. Her basketball skills was Power la can?! Star Player. Haha! :D Zhen Ying was there. And so was Junese. (: Watch them play bkb. Then went into the field. Seniors having training ( Boys ) , They damn cute la can! Especially my Dearr , Haziq. He P4 only leh! And he's damn short! Haha. Juggled a little. Then watch them play match. Haha. Tehy are sooooo CUTE! (: After that, training finished. Send Haziq home. See, i so guai. Send a small kid home. Haha. I'm so touch! Haziq call me JieJie! He damn cute lo. (: yeahh, and that's all for now. (: 3:14 pm Monday, 29 June 2009
hellohello! ^^ Today, First day of school. Haha, not too bad lah. (: Kinda fun yo! Maths lesson ; Got new teacher / Ms Chua ( Oh Great ) LifeLit Lesson ; Got New Teacher / Ms See ( Junese ? ) Haha. Played a little passing with WeiXuan during recess. Then had art lesson. Damn Fun! Played with clay. Haha. (: Oh Wells, after school rushed back home. Took shoebag and rushed back out of the house. ( Whoops, took wrong bus ! ) then had training, :D Played match. Lost. Nehmind. Pressured zuhrah until like siao. Damn Fun! Haha. Yeah , so i think that's all la. (: ByeBye! :D 9:47 pm Sunday, 28 June 2009
Hellohello! (: Haha, watched Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen. The show started at 11.30pm and ended at 2.00am This time i didnt fall asleep during the movie. Haha. The movie was FANTASTIC! i Love it! BumbleBee so cute. then got one decepticon Damn Damn Damn cute ah! it looks like wall-e Haha! :D then one Old decepticon changed for the better. and sided the AutoBots. (: Haha. The last part, Megatron died! MUAHAHAHAH! At the forest that part.. Megatron stabbed Optimus Prime from the back, He died. But last part, during the war.. The Old Decepticon ( Jet ) , said : "Optimus Prime, take my heart! You'll get powers that You'll never know!" And that Old Decepticon died. Sacrifice man! Optimus Prime transformed. He's damn cool when he trasnformed. (: Haha. Sam almost died, then got alot of new AutoBots. Damn nice lo! Err.. Got twin AutoBots. Cute la can! Haha. Red and Green, (: But then, got one formal FBI agent damn irritating la. Even one of the Soldiers called him "Asshole / DumbAss" hahas, LOL >.< He deserve it anyway. The story they act at Egypt. And in Jordan. basically they acted the whole story in the Middle East. Great choice. The Underground City was cool. Inside got all the Fallen. they stole the Matrix. Haha! (: Cool. okay, that's all. Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen is a MUST WATCH movie! Rating: 10 stars! (: 6:17 pm Saturday, 27 June 2009
woo.. i'm back! decided to post again. haha. Loads of pictures will be uploaded soon. (: haha. ALOT of things happen since i last post. haha. lol. school goin to reopen le. sadded. i'm soooo sian. didnt know got homework, but when check the internet.. DON'T HAVE. wth? waste my time. haha. yesterday, went trng as usual. tiring. did farklet. GAHH! i hate it. -.- had blister, hard to walk properly. went for lunch at compass point ; PizzaHut (again) shared student meal with buddy. as usual. and chris thinks we're nuts. haha. Oh wells, we save money. :D Good People. After that went to weixuan's house. didnt do anything much there. but we laughed our asses off! haha. stacked on top of weixuan, and michelle. weixuan's mini pooh was being kiap in between her cupboard doors. haha. weixuan on-ed her aircon, chris slept(?) and so did michelle. michelle hugged chris!! and she also kissed chris! Omg! haha. Partners. Lol. Michelle, Chris and Sharleen took turns using weixuan's comp. sharleen listened to her chinese Oldies song. haha! Xin Tai Ruan! Heart too soft. Lol. went off at 5pm. train-ed home. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JUNESE & CALEY ! hahas. finally changed my phone. wanted W705 but dad got me W595 (same as my buddy's phone) Oh wells, as long got phone can liao. hahas. i'm too tired to go back to school on monday. how i wish the holidays are extended! All of a sudden on 25th June 2009 . that famous 'King Of Pop' - Michael Jackson, he died. Death Of A REAL Legend. Oh wells, all i can say is. May Allah Be With Him Always (: i just Love his moonwalk and dance moves. Its cool. And i Love it. (: Haha. Gonna watch Transformers : Revenge Of The Fallen(?) Idk who to watch with sia. Family or Friends? Haha. but no matter what, i will still have to watch it. its a MUST! :D 24th June ; went to vivo after training. bus-ed to Hougang Interchange. Then train-ed to VivoCity. with weixuan, joleen, michelle, junese & haslina. Ate chicken rice at Banquet. Then went to play water. Michelle was being pushed! Haha. Joleen didnt join in the fun. Lol. wasted haha! :P me, weixuan and haslina went off at 4.30pm. Okay, now what? Hmm. i have nothing else to say. but my buddy requested to make this post, the L O N G E S T post. Haha! and i'll also make it the a colourful one(?) haha. Ahh! H1N1 ! Ohh ohh, prepare you $1 or your ODTs! haha. Sian.. tired of taking temperature. Must stand de. Tiring. Even though its only for a few minutes. haha. waste my energy okay! Haha! :P 29th June ; School Reopens. wth?
Today ; HUGE breakfast!
ate macdonalds! haha. and played comp . and here i am now. (:
Thats All Friends! :D 4:17 pm Friday, 12 June 2009
Haha, know whats that?? its a hook.. made out of.. lanyard, hair clip and paper clip. Oh wells, went for training today. it was like super RELAXING! Phew, lucky enough la. i was feeling giddy sia. Tsktsk.. the sun la. HOTHOTHOT. played 1 vs 1. humaira was kicking all the balls out. didnt manage to score. neither did she. LOL. then we played a mini match. before i joined the team, the score was already 2 - 0. oh wells.. didnt notice chris behind me, accidentally stepped on her foot. whoops! after that.. played played played.. shafina scored! (: then continued.. ball rolled to me.. best oppoturnity. so kicked la. the ball flew to the "crossbar" i tot will hit the bar lo.. but it went into the net. GOAL! beautiful goal. haha. thanks to my left leg (: after taht had a few "light" fitness training. FUN! then training finished. haha. go home! reached home, placed bag at the front door. ran off to macs. Bought my lunch. ran up back. after that i wanted to stay home. bro ask me follw him down. i lazy la. then suddenly house key lost. oh great. sat outside the house until my mum came. and i made a toy for myself! haha.. the pic ^^ there. it was to kill time. and to make me feel less bored. haha. i love it. haha. (: my invention! so now.. gonna play xbox. tsktsk.. some killing game again. thats all for today! chiao people! 3:14 pm Thursday, 11 June 2009
-.- seriously rotting at home now. home alone today. wth. brother la, don wan bring me go cage. gonna make him suffer when he comes back. make him do all the cleaning and cooking serve him right man. haha. i'm NOT that evil la. okay, so now.. i'm starving. Gonna cook later. tsktsk, hate my aunt sooking. so gonna cook MYSELF. oh wells, all thanks to the boredom.. i ate 4 glasses of chocolate ice cream to kill time. and it did! haha. my brother is heading home. and i really want hime to come home.. NOW. Gaaah , its so boring today. tmr training. Aww man, my buddy not coming for training. Drats.. anyway, idk whether i'll be fit enough to go trng tmr. haha, tired la! (: 12:10 pm yeahs, i played with my little cousin. (: i made him laughed his ass off! HAHAHAHA! :D ate ice kacang.. made a hole in the middle. drank 6 cans od F&N cherryade. made a tower of plastic glasses. haha. its do dumb. then went took photos of my baby cousin. she damn cute la! drink the f&n. haha. after that went to newton.. drank papaya milk. and drank soursop juice! 2 glasses sia. then i was damn full. wah.. it was a feast sia. went back in the car.. nothing do mah. then go torture the elmo. sat on it, punch it, slap it, put it outside the window on the highway. damn FUNNY! haha.. ohkay, i'm ending here yo. (: 12:17 am Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Okay, wells... today nothing much. went for training as usual. (: i wasnt really late. but weixuan always comes earlier than me no matter what. so did the same confusing passing drills. and then did 2 vs 2. it wasnt that tiring though. ;DD and then it was fitness training! Ahhhh!! this time chris conducted it. SHE WAS OH-SO-FIERCE! yeah, the suicide run, i was okay la. didnt feel really tired like i always do. cus i was slacking from the first marker to the 3rd one. then the last run, i sprinted. (: after that the short distance... acceleration?? did okay, after that was the skipping thingy. Yeahh, i was doing fine. the skipping rope was kinda short though. after trainning.. chill-ed down. and then went to settle the class tee thingy. chris was there too! haha. after everything settled.. went off. went to Mackenzie road and ate a delicious... chicken rice meal. haha. headed to SAFRA @ Mt Faber. seriously, it was like.. DAMN NICE! theres a big screen for watching LIVE football matches. and i sat there while waiting for my brother. and theres a pool. tsktsk.. LALALA~ i'm so bored. wells.. i was ... kinda, cheered up?? just now? a message was sent. from my buddy's phone. not knowing it was chris. hahas. plus.. chris is soooo random.but she really rocks man! haha.. although i meet her almost everyday.. i still miss her alot (: love ya chris! (as a senior) individuals score goals, but TEAMS win games! 6:40 pm Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Hahas, the two teams / school i played and playing for. (: 10 & 17 !! :) BROTHER COMING HOME TODAY!! woohoo! (: woke up late today. was tired, so slept a little more while waiting for the toilet to be vacant. tsktsk.. so watched tv (shrek the third) hahas, just watch la. since its laready on. then went to bathe. had a morning message from my buddy. hahas, then msged her. she's troubled by something, i told her to drink Double chocolate frappe so she will be "calm" she say chocolate wont work for her. until now. LUNCH TIME! i wanna eat, but have no idea what to eat. and i also dont really have the appetite to eat. but i want to eat chicken rice! i miss chicken rice! (: today, matin coming home from NS. yeah, his Passing Out Parade i never get to go and see. Great, what a waste. wanted to take pictures de lo. then the dumb officer only give two tickets. why never give THREE ?! i'm so goin to Mount Faber later at night. I DONT CARE. i want to walk on henderson waves again. its been months since i last walked on it. hahas. but before goin to mount faber, i want to go buy DOUBLE CHOCOLATE frappe / ice blended. either at mcCafe or at coffee bean. (: hahas, Oh wells.. old time favourites. ;DD i wonder hows my day goin to be today. ALOT of things are goin on lately. and i just want EVERYTHING to be in its normal state again. Okay, i just finished eating peach + milk. hahas, damn nice. and helathy too! (: hahas. now watching the cute cute cartoon. Lols. hahas, wah tmr training sia. NEVERMIND, i must endure. hahas. okay, weixuan have gone totally nuts man. she go changed her display name same as mine, same as michelle. that siao girl. hahas. (: lets work together give her respect & believe she'll understand us. somehow, someway. (: Labels: "if we believe in superman, then superman results we will get" (: 11:50 am Monday, 8 June 2009
then did passing, yeahh it was confusing. then did long distance passing. after that did the FLYING BALL passing. i couldnt concentrate la. so.. distracted. and i was like so stressed. tsk tsk.. -.- weixuan wasnt feeling well. so she was exscusedfrom all the trainings. see, i wrote about you. (: what a good buddy. Hahas. anyway, GET WELL SOON WEIXUAN! winger must not be injured / sick. then played match. it was totally WHAT THE HELL. i didnt know who to pass to la. caeley is like oh-so-far. then nad, she like.. didnt went to find space mah. so i couldnt pass to her, in the end everyone kena scolding except for fad la. then after training, we did 1 vs 1. wells, humaira was tired.. so she like hardly can concentrate.. then FINALLY when training ended. kept the goalpost. kept the balls. went to meet ms ang. Yeahh man!! got our jerseys. everyone's jerseys was like too big. LOLs, mine was just nice la. (: i'm wearing it right now. hahas. for fun. after that.. everyone home-ed. except for me, has and weixuan. wanted to go compass and eat. but then ms ang say too far. then went kovan lo. FREE RIDE from ms ang! wanted to eat at pizza hut, ms ang say not healthy ... blah blah blah~ so ate at the hawker cnetre. me and has ate nasi lemak. i finished it. MS ANG!!! she waste her food. there was leftover lor! bad example. hahas. me and junese.. we still hungry.. so went in to heartland. bought sushi with junese. has and weixuan bought minimelts. (ice cream) walked around sportslink and world of sports. ms ang la... idk what she wanted to buy. after that went back home. has and weixuan went home their ownself. me and junese got free ride back home. lols. hahas, later gonna play with my little sis again. tomorrow my brother coming home! woots! she might be random sometimes. she might be caring too. but.. she's still the one i like (: she's just someone really special. ( Great, coach made me..weixuan and caeley write what we eat EVERYDAY. ) 1:34 pm Sunday, 7 June 2009
HEYHO. Okay okay, today nothing much luhhs. Woke up early this morning.. watched doraemon. Yeah, i'm kinda addicted. since theres nothing else to watch in the morning. after that watched brother bear (a little touching / almost cried) then watched the school nationals.. Encore telecast. BORED!! ~ then brother ask me tag along with him to gym. Yeahh, i followed. Tsk, nothing much to do there. so ran on the ... ( i forgot that thing name ) after we ran, it RAINED. woohoo!! KITTY & DOGGY rain. then walked to macs, even though it was raining. Yeahh, bullied my brother. ask him treat me. and he did. woots! ate McChicken meal.. and i also bought... DOUBLEchoclate Frappe!! my fave la. now bro went back to camp liaos. aiya, he coming back this tuesday. Hais.. then i'll be accompanying him all day long. we should have believed you. i know you HATE us, but you didnt give us the chance.. to tell you what happen. to me.. you are still my.. FAVOURITE SENIOR. its hard to get a senior like you (: ITS NOT YOU CHRIS! :DD its my another senior from another school. seriously. ~~~ 10:17 pm Friday, 5 June 2009
i was bored luhh. so went to my aunts house. open her wardrobe. ;D she wasnt around mahs, it was all in a MESS! hahas. there ^ took photo of it. Hahas. today, as usual.. training.. Pfft. Yesterday didnt sleep well. was thinking too much. then decided to count chris. yeahh, it worked. i fell asleep. hahas. but i woke up again. Hais, -.- wasted sia. then woke up at 7am today. Tsktsk.. i had fever in the morning. but i still went for trng. i was WEAK. no more energy.. so coach trng, i didnt really slack. we did long distance passing. then after that coach tell us our positions. GREAT, i'm playing as... DEFENSIVE MIDFIELD.. Oh, how great?? Tsktsk, played a mini match with the seniors. Hais, they will forever play rough. especially CHRIS. marked her all the way though. she injure me.. she kick the ball and it hit my stomach. Pfft, i was already sick. and the ball hit me.. in the stomach! wow, how great. Okay, whatever. then .... it was fitness trng. I HATE IT ALOT! well, halfway through the fitness trng.. i suffered from stitches. Yeahh, i was fainting. Chris came to my rescue. Hahas. i cant breathe properly lo. i was like... panting??? and kept on feeling like want to fall on the ground. but i was keep on being lift up. Tsktsk, so couldnt drop down on the ground. after trng was over. need to keep balls. weixuan accompanied me instead of humaira. Tsk, i was tired already and they expect me to take out the balls. what the hell can? then after that.. bus-ed to serangoon and mrt-ed to bishan. met chris. then lunch-ed. the three of them ate. but i didnt. i dont hav the appetite to eat. Yeahh, then after eating. walked around J8 then circle line-ed around.. junese sat with chris, i sat with weixuan. then after awhile in the train. we moved seats. then me and weixuan played. hahas. played header with the handle thingy. damn funny. then reach bartley, waited for next train.. Yeahh, we didnt do anything. so sat near the lift. chris was sot sot today, so she took the lift and went up, then came back down.. hahas. dumb?? after that, we home-ed. bathed, ate and here i am now.. i'm so gonna sleep later. tsk, my body is aching all over! Gonna buy kinder bueno later. Hahas.. XD i think thats all for now (: BUHHHBYEEE!! (: i miss you alot.. and this shows that i still love you.. no one can ever replace you. cus you're the one for me. you are Lovedd <3 3:33 pm Thursday, 4 June 2009
MOVIES MOVIES ... and more MOVIES ! (: Enjoying life right now. Hahas, Yeahh.. watched 3 movies this month. Theres more to go! woke up at 9am just now. wah, damn tired sia. i wanted to sleep more. didnt had time to eat breakfast.. then ryshed out of the house liao. But my aunt la... Pfft. she go book the ticket online. and guess what.. she book the 11am show. Hais.. mann.. anyway, watched MONSTERS vs ALIENS 3D!! Hahas, yeahh.. its okay la. Quite funny. :P the president played crazy frog's song to communicate with the alien. Lols? then mad scientist is sooo cute. Hahas B.O.B was, funny?? was being cheated by the jelly. Lols. irritating part was.. when the woman kept on screaming. hahas. overall, the movie was okay. and since it was 3D... the whole movie was like so happening infront of my eyes! Hahas.. laughed throughout the whole movie. after the movie, went to eat. i didnt hav the time eat breakfast at home.. but i wasnt hungry for food. i was hungry for shopping at that time. Pfft. whatever la. the next movie i'm gonna watch is.. Caroline. then i wan go watch Ice Age 3. Hahas.. all in 3D Now.. ass pain and ankle hurts. Yeahh.. and tmr gt trng. whatthehell?? its so.. okay.. nvmind. i'm so tired.. tmr i make sure i eat breakfast before goin for trng. then after trng i so goin to eat lunch. Okay, so i think.. thats all for now. CHIAO (: i wanna go Pasir Ris and meet _____ again! 2:26 pm Wednesday, 3 June 2009
But some people are so irritating. Cant even pass the ball properly. Hais.. After coach's training.. we had fitness training. OMGOMG! i was.. almost half dead?? Zz. we had to do suicide run.. which i slack alot. My knee pain, then we need to do the short distance running. Gosh. we still need do what.. crunches?? then still got skipping. wah.. Zz. then after training.. Hahas. took 74 and stopped at my house. Yeahh, i miss my house in hougang. i'm moving back in soon. so.. its okay luhh. weixuan was dehydrating.. so went to the shop and bought water. then walked to hougang mall. Farhanah didnt want to follow us to eat brunch mah.. so me, weixuan and junese went lo. went hougang mall, ate at macs. me and weixuan ate Happy Meal (: Hahas, Yeahh.. we small kids mah. Hahas! then chatted in macs. Played with food as usual. This time it was REALLY disgusting!! milo + fries + curry sauce + ketchup + mayonaise = EEW!!!! it was kinda sick though. Hahas, so after that.. went out of macs. Hahas.. took the train to Serangoon. since we were bored.. we took the err.. MRT and we rode around Singapore (: weeeeeee!!~ Yeahh, there were many empty seats. And.. junese sat on the reserved seat. which was only reserved to poeple who are:
Junese wasnt one of them. Hahas, so she didnt care. Then we continued our journey back. It was fun luhh, sitting on an empty train. with not much people around. Though majority of the passengers were students. Yeahh, so it was fun. The serangoon circle line was kinda special. It almost looks like we were at the airport. Yeahh, the travelator made us imagine we were at the airport. But too bad, the mrt was too dull. Okay, after that. went to interchange. send weixuan back. Me and junese walk back home. weixuan was scared. Hahas, she thought she take wrong bus. since the bus was heading to Paya Lebar. Far from her destination. But she reached her destination!! Zz. So now.. i'm home. i feel so exhausted. i'm gonna take a quick shower later. Yeahh, and then.. JUMP ONTO MY BED. and fall asleep. :DD Okay.. i heard that the juniors gonna play against the seniors!! OMGOMG! we're dead yo! Pfft. unfair luhh. They so pro, we are like beginners?? Okay, fine. whatever. i just want to try to be the champions! BYEbyee! (: my "code": 172217101907 Labels: 101707 sticks together (: 3:08 pm Tuesday, 2 June 2009
whoops, Hahas (: mich sleeping !! All of them playing soccer (: Chris posing, michelle sleeping and shao wen sleeping on mich's _____ . Mich and chris playing pool (: >>> Ahh my back! Just kdding.. i dont have a back! (: Some photos i took.. i took photo of B.O.B before watching the Terminator. Hahas, cute.. 10:54 am FLASHBACK ,,, Err.. Let me see , Yesterday was monday ( 1st June 09 ) Yeap , Okay , Lets start. Yesterday i was rotting at home. Nothing to do luhh (: well, Has and Selvi msged me. so entertain them lo. Hahas .. My leg is okok la. not really that pain liaos. i still rmb how bloody it look like .. when i came out from the sea. Hahas, its was totally BLOODY. it match my shirt though (: hahas. Yeah , okay. so lets move on. 31/05/09 ( sunday ) Okay, was tired luhh. Cant sleep longer. Zz. woke up at 10am Dressed up and ate a little breakfast. Mich called, she was waiting downstairs for me. So i rushed through my breakfast. Hahas, called junese. She said she was at the mrt alrd. and when we walking that time, she called again. she said she went home to change into her sandals. Yeah, chris was already at hougang interchange. Hahas, we kept chris waiting. after that took 89 to pasir ris. then board 403 to the park. we reach there before has reached. Basically, we're the earliest. Hahas (: then walked to the seaside. earny, zuhrah and farhanah was there. EARNY PUSHED ME INTO THE SEA. i ask her stop, but she didnt. my leg hit a rock. Yeap, the skin tore and got some scratches. /all thanks to earny -.-\ after that, went to mich and chris. watch them played pool while i wash away all the blood. Yeah, i realized i hav a useless friend yo. and its like.. whatthehell? i hate her la.. so in the end, i did everything myself. but i didnt put plaster ah. then mich came to the rescue, she helped me out. tears was rolling down my cheeks. Yeah, i was crying. it was painful. went bike riding after that. (i owe junese 5bucks) after that played soccer. tyen played frisbee with zuhrah and sharleen. damn funny. kept on laughing! after that, went off with mich, chris, shar and nese. we went to downtown,, it was chris's friend the birthday or something. Yeahh, they were all strangers to me. so.. my mum called and then i went off. so did mich and nese (: 30/05/09 Today, bro came back from NS. played Halo on xbox with him. Yeahh, i was getting better then him! Hahas, but he still didnt want to admit defeat. so, whatever. -.- then waited for dad to come home. i was like falling asleep already. then went to watch a midnight show, Terminator 3 (: before that, went to eat supper. ate prata bomb. SWEET! then went back to cathay orchard. bought something from World of Sports. Okay then movie started in awhile. ...i slept during the first 30 minutes of the show and the last 1 hour of the show. GREAT. i was basically sleeping throughout. my brother throw popcorn at me, i didnt care. afterall.. counting chris and starring at the ceiling worked. Hahas, movie ended at 2.30am reached home at 2.45am i was tired and fell on my bed then slept. # so i hope today wont be as boring. and.. i'm gonna get a new school bag! Yay! and a new nike shoe bag! Yay! cool cool! Hahas (: 10:29 am |
Profile About her I'm a 1996-ish I'm the kind&loving. I love soccer Family and friends are lovedd North east |