Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Hahas, the two teams / school i played and playing for. (: 10 & 17 !! :) BROTHER COMING HOME TODAY!! woohoo! (: woke up late today. was tired, so slept a little more while waiting for the toilet to be vacant. tsktsk.. so watched tv (shrek the third) hahas, just watch la. since its laready on. then went to bathe. had a morning message from my buddy. hahas, then msged her. she's troubled by something, i told her to drink Double chocolate frappe so she will be "calm" she say chocolate wont work for her. until now. LUNCH TIME! i wanna eat, but have no idea what to eat. and i also dont really have the appetite to eat. but i want to eat chicken rice! i miss chicken rice! (: today, matin coming home from NS. yeah, his Passing Out Parade i never get to go and see. Great, what a waste. wanted to take pictures de lo. then the dumb officer only give two tickets. why never give THREE ?! i'm so goin to Mount Faber later at night. I DONT CARE. i want to walk on henderson waves again. its been months since i last walked on it. hahas. but before goin to mount faber, i want to go buy DOUBLE CHOCOLATE frappe / ice blended. either at mcCafe or at coffee bean. (: hahas, Oh wells.. old time favourites. ;DD i wonder hows my day goin to be today. ALOT of things are goin on lately. and i just want EVERYTHING to be in its normal state again. Okay, i just finished eating peach + milk. hahas, damn nice. and helathy too! (: hahas. now watching the cute cute cartoon. Lols. hahas, wah tmr training sia. NEVERMIND, i must endure. hahas. okay, weixuan have gone totally nuts man. she go changed her display name same as mine, same as michelle. that siao girl. hahas. (: lets work together give her respect & believe she'll understand us. somehow, someway. (: Labels: "if we believe in superman, then superman results we will get" (: 11:50 am |
Profile About her I'm a 1996-ish I'm the kind&loving. I love soccer Family and friends are lovedd North east |